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Original Post Date: 6/16/11
This is a very easy method to gain plat, even at early levels.
Before I start though, I want to explain some prerequisites if you're serious about making RIFT Platinum. There are a few things you need to do first.
* All of your characters should be either a High Elf or Bahmi. Angelic Flight and Mighty Leap are INVALUABLE, I can't stress this enough. They're extremely useful for making plat and can get you out of tight situations like getting stuck. Time is money after all.
* Your MAIN character should be a Priest AOE build and should have all 3 gathering professions.
* Create a secondary MULE character that has Runecrafting, Outfitting, and Weaponsmithing. (As soon as you get out of your first training instance, run straight for Sanctuary or Meridian.)
* Your MAIN should always be mailing loot/mats to your MULE character for crafting purposes or selling on the AH.
I've leveled all classes to 50, and by the far the Priest is the fastest and most useful for collecting loot quickly. The Priest can also DPS, Heal and Tank.
As you're leveling your MAIN, simply send all of your gathered materials to your secondary character, have them construct cheap garments/weapons to level up and runebreak them. Most of your plat will be made from selling rune "disenchants". Don't waste your time with Runes (the "enchants"), there's very little plat to be made at low-med levels.
Alright, now that that's out of the way.. here's one simple strategy for making plat:
* There's always an imbalance of disenchant prices on the AH.
* If you have no plat, start out with Flickering Crystals (they sell for 2G or less ea), break them down, and sell the individual Flickering Powders for 50s each. That's a profit of 4.5g minus the 2g expense. Powders sell very well, and you can typically sell a dozen stacks per day (40-75g per stack).
* As you earn more gold/plat, use that as investments into more expensive disenchants and break them down (or upgrade the disenchants if the prices more favor that direction.)
* Familiarize yourself with the various levels of disenchants and how many mats you can collect by breaking them down.
Sentience Spark / Blast (5 Sparks) / Surge (15 Sparks)
Perpetual Blur / Glow (5 Blurs) / Flare (15 Blurs)
Kinetic Arc / Charge (5 Arcs) / Burst (15 Arcs)
There's always a vast difference in prices due to the imbalance of high/low leveled players.
For example, you can buy a Kinetic Burst for 40g, break it down, and resell the Arcs for 7g each giving you a profit of 1p 5g.
* Also very important, remember that you can TRANSMUTE one type of disenchant into another. You can convert between Bursts, Flares and Surges and all it costs is an additional Flickering Crystal which are very cheap. If a Kinetic Burst is selling for 80g, just purchase 40g Sentience Surges and convert them for profit.
* Always sell in large stacks and undercut your competition by a big amounts. Buyers will be hard pressed NOT to buy your disenchants due to their very reasonable prices.
* You will have a lot of competition, so make sure you're checking for undercuts every 30 minutes or so. You will need to cancel and re post your disenchants frequently, so I would recommend that you only post 1 or 2 of each Rune type.
I've played on over 10 servers (low-high population), and this strategy has been highly effective on all of them. I can typically make 30-40p per day just buying/selling disenchants and transmuting.