Ubisoft is currently developing a new game in the Call of Juarez series, entitled "Call of Juarez: The Cartel". It hasn't been officially announced yet and there are no more details at the moment.
New domain registrations (and slip by one of the 3D artists) has confirmed the existence of the game. (Thanks to supererogatory for the news.)
If you read the artist's resume (check out the Google Cache to see the original), you'll notice that the game is being created under an "extremely compressed timeline" and they're trying to get a game trailer out as soon as possible. So you can bet that this game is meant to compete with Red Dead Redemption and you'll see some similar gameplay (e.g. free roaming horseback riding action and mini-games.) =]
Should be interesting. And it might even convince Rockstar to rush development of the PC port if their competition's game trailer looks amazing. (Although.. this isn't a new IP, and it could just be a shameless attempt at capitalizing on Rockstar's recent success. You'll know for sure based on the trailer - if it contains a lot of gameplay visuals, that is.)
UPDATE (02/07/11): The official announcement has just been made on Facebook.
It will be coming out this summer (the last Call of Juarez launched on June 30 by the way) and they're apparently taking a "modern day" approach in the new game (ie, Old West in present day.) EGM has an exclusive look at the game, so you'll see more details emerge on February 9th.
The Ubisoft store has confirmed that the game is available on PS3, XBOX 360, and Windows PC. They're offering a digital download ("PC Download") that you can Pre-Order.
They mention in the Facebook comments, "Worry not PC users! We have something exclusive to PC coming your way very soon!" I assume that's what they meant - that it will be offered as a digital download for PC users.