More Rockstar Happenings

Posted by Daeity On Thursday, September 1, 2011

Funny how simple website changes and past trends can determine when big shake ups will be happening within organizations.. or more specially, Take Two / Rockstar.

Past trends can give you a really good idea of approximately when announcements will be made or what the announcements will be. But, any other small events (like sudden forum maintenance or website domain changes) can help fine tune your predictions.

By the way, it looks like all of their websites have now been redirected back to their original domains instead of centralized at Rockstar HQ. It was all done pretty quickly, so it appears that they might be testing a future change and possibly making more "internal changes" to additional studios.

It was just announced that Team Bondi is closing their doors, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Expect many more announcements or internal restructuring over the next couple months.

Anyone out there watching their stock prices?

That Activision Blizzard Analyst Day call is today too.. should be a good news day. :)

** Update

Another group of layoffs has hit within Take Two. This time at 2K Games Mafia 2 studio.